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9000 060 054 CERASORB® Mouldable Foam, 12x12x4 mm, 0.5 cc, 3 pcs

kr.2.120,00 Incl. vat

Mouldable Foam, 12x12x4 mm, 0.5 cc, 3 pcs

CERASORB® Foam is a highly porous composite made of porcine collagen (collagen complex) and pure-phase β–TCP granules of different sizes and densities.
The collagen matrix embeds the granules and stabilizes them by virtue of its fibrous structure. This special combination of the two materials provides a granular phase of 85% by weight, and thus a high volume stability after degradation of the more rapidly resorbed collagen.

Product Benefits:

  • – After combining with blood from the bony defect possesses kneadability and plastic ductility
  • – Moldable to conform to the form of the defect
  • – Low density


  • – Filling, bridging, and/or repair of non–infected bony defects, such as alveolar bone defects
  • – Plastic repair of damaged areas of bone

Intelligent Alveolus Management

Without bone–conserving measures, there is an unavoidable atrophy of the alveolar ridge, which progresses continuously, after dental extraction. This process results over the short – term in a significantly deteriorated pre-procedural condition for later conservative prosthetic or implantological treatment. In addition, the degradation of the bone of the jaw frequently adversely affects the patient’s aesthetic appearance.

Using CERASORB® Foam this is a thing of the past. Expensive and complicated follow–up treatment of this undesired effect can generally be prevented by prompt regenerative procedures aimed at bone regeneration.


CERASORB® Foam is a highly porous material combination comprised of porcine collagen and pur–phase β–tricalcium phosphate granules (CERASORB®). This combination has a two-fold action. Collagen supports early phase of bone regeneration, while the high proportion of CERASORB® granulate ensures longer-term volume stability. The material is completely degraded over the long term, replaced by autologous bone, and thus creates the necessary stability for later implant restoration.

The specification and the customizing of CERASORB® Foam provide easy handling in the operatory thanks to the moldability to fit the defect and comfortable positioning.

Small filling — sustainable added value

Intelligent alveolus treatment with CERASORB® Foam brings obvious advantages. Optimized treatment aided by this innovative therapy contributes to the preservation of aesthetic appearance and to patient satisfaction. Your practice benefits from the resulting image enhancement and competitive edge. And in particular, intelligent alveolus treatment contributes, as a sensible enhancement of a routine procedure, also to the economic success of the practice.

CERASORB® Foam is now available in 12 x 12 x 4 mm (0.5 cc) size meeting the needs of alveolar defect filling and in a convenient 3–piece set.

Cerasorb mouldable foam – knoglemateriale, som sikrer en fortsat høj volumenstabilitet efter nedbrydning af kollagen 

Cerasorp mouldable foam er et kombinationsprodukt bestående af kollagen (porcine kollagenkompleks) og ren β – TCP-granulater – i forskellige størrelser og tætheder – som er vævet sammen i en formbar vævsstruktur.


Kollagenmatrixen i cerasorb sikrer at granulaterne  indlejres og stabiliseres i kraft af deres fibrøse struktur. Den helt specielle kombination af de to materialer tilvejebringer en granulær fase på 85% af vægten. Resultatet er en særdeles høj volumenstabilitet efter nedbrydning af det hurtigere resorberede kollagen.


  • Er formbart
  • Kan opsuge svarende 150% af dens fylde
  • Åbner nye muligheder for at loade med celler fra koncentreret PRF
  • Har lav densitet.


Cerasorb mouldable foam kan anvendes ifm. følgende bahandlinger;  

  • Fyldning af ekstraktionsalveoler
  • Brodannelse (spine)
  • Reparation af ikke-inficerede knogledefekter, såsom ex alveolære knogledefekter
  • Reparation af beskadigede områder af knogler.

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